Who I Am and What I Do
Welcome to my forty acres and a mule on the Internet. Here you’ll find whatever piques my interest and curiousity.I am the quintessential jack-of-all-trades.
By education I am a student of human thought and culture, with studies examining the impact of communication methods and technologies on culture. By trade I am an Information Technology professional who dabbles in whatever needs to be dabbled in, ranging from blockchains, to automations, databases, scripting and more. By choice I am a student of the human experience and a merchant of coffee.
And more.
Mostly, I try to keep this page focused on things that I personally have done and enjoy with a focus on creativity. I might take a philosophical bent at times, and other times I just like to do whatever comes to mind. It’s my forty acres, but everyone is welcome.
Everyone is creative; you just don’t know it yet. (Victor Wiebe (me!))