Blind Skeleton

If you’re here, you are very possibly asking yourself, “Blind Skeleton? What?”

Blind Skeleton is my homage to vintage entertainment: 78rpm records; old film photography; silent movies; old-time radio; and more. I am a student of communication and how it impacts culture, and these old technologies fascinate me.

What will you find at Blind Skeleton?

  • Film photography and camera reviews.
  • Articles on vintage 78rpm record labels.
  • Articles on musicians who recorded on those vintage 78rpm record labels!
  • Silent and black-and-white movie review.
  • My Three Tune Tuesday podcast which is distributed, well, every Tuesday.

Visit it at

Why “Blind Skeleton” as a name? It stemmed from this photo that I took of a toy, a prop, and a dollar store light. That, and I like the name.